Motivation Tips for Early Morning Workouts

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I actually wrote and shared this post about a year and a half ago when my blog was fairly new and I had very few readers or visitors.  I was reminded of it when I had the idea to share a new playlist for Wild Workout Wednesday today and remembered that I had put one together for this post many months ago. 

While the playlist needed updating, the tips for getting your butt outta bed in the morning are still pretty on point.  So, I gave the post a little facelift, updated the graphics and swapped out the old playlist for something new, fun and fresh! 

Anyway, since I started running regularly I have been waking up at the literal crack of dawn to so that I could fit it into my schedule properly.  I was used to being able to do all of my daily workouts in the comfort of my own home, alongside my children if need be, at whatever time of day that I wanted to.  Those luxuries don’t exist with solo running.  Well, to call them luxuries is a little misleading but the point is that I had to rearrange things a bit in order to get the alone time I needed to log some miles.  

That required finding ways to motivate myself in the morning so I thought I would share some of the tips & tricks that work for me!

Motivation Tips for Morning Workouts

1. Have A Plan

This is the first and most important thing. If you expect just to wake up and “workout” with no real plan in mind then you’re planning to fail. Even if you’re not waking up at the crack of dawn it is still important to plan your workouts ahead. You’re more likely to follow through and succeed if you already have your day or week ahead all mapped out.  I have a schedule that I follow that rotates strength and conditioning workouts with running.  I have the workouts picked out at the beginning of the week and have a goal in mind for the amount of miles I want to run. 

2. Hydrate, Fuel & Sleep 

What you eat and your water intake the night before is also extremely important because it will dictate how you feel in the morning.  There have been nights when I have eaten something high in sodium or had that extra glass of wine the night before an early workout and waking up at 5 AM felt something close  to what I imagine death feels like.  Too much alcohol isn’t the only issue though, lack of water can also make you feel like a pile of do-do.

Ironically, I have a long run tomorrow so I have been paying closer attention to my food and water intake today.  I know that if I don’t properly fuel my body today, it won’t perform tomorrow.  Below is an example of what I ate and drank today. 

 The other key factor is sleep.  Easier said that done, right? I attempted the whole “stay up like a rock star and still wake up thing “and it didn’t work out too well.  I try my hardest to be in bed by 9:30 and asleep by 10, especially on the nights when I have an early date with some weights or pavement.  Point being…rock stars die young, the more winks the better.  

3. Set A Motivating Alarm

The last thing I want to do after an all night snuggle session with my pillow is ditch it like a cheap date at 5 AM, so I have been setting my alarm with a reminder to get my butt out of bed.  Seriously though, success isn’t built on excuses.  It also has become easier the more times I do it.  Not only does the body acclimate to waking up that early but there is a sense of accomplishment that comes from being done with your workout  & shower all by 7 am


4. Wear Your Clothes To Bed

Some people lay out their workout clothes the night before; I wear mine to bed.  It eliminates the whole being cold and naked after being warm and cozy out of the equation.  Plus it is one less thing you have to spend time doing and there is less of an excuse not to workout if you’re already dressed.  I would totally sleep with my heart rate watch on and running belt if I could too. Instead, I just lay those out on my nightstand to my water bottle and my phone so that I don’t forget them in the morning.  I usually try to charge my phone as well but I often fall asleep with it next to me….I’m that girl!

5. Motivating/Kick Butt Playlist

Speaking of having a charged phone…it is vital to keeping the music going while you pump some iron or log some miles.  One of the best things about my early morning runs is getting to listen to music that puts me in a happy and productive mood.   

Below is a playlist along with an iTune widget so you can give ’em a listen before you download.  

How do you motivate yourself to workout in the morning? 

What songs are on your playlist right now?

Remember to grab the button, link back and linkup if you have a workout to share!

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