Finding Your Ideal Workout Motivation Buddy

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What if there was one simple thing you could do to get a better body, and it didn’t include starving yourself on a crazy diet? You’d be interested, right?

All you have to do is find a workout buddy. Sharing your fitness goals with someone else dramatically increases accountability and that helps improve the results. A study from Stanford University found that just two check-in calls a week was enough to boost exercise time by 78%. Having social support also helps prevent a relapse so you can stick with your healthy lifestyle for the long run.

The workout gurus at Fitness 19 know a thing or two about motivation buddies. Accountability is one of the major benefits their trainers provide, but having a professional trainer isn’t a must. Here are some of the things they suggest you look for when you’re choosing a workout motivation buddy.

What to Look for in a Workout Motivation Buddy

Any accountability partner is better than none, but that doesn’t mean everyone is cut out for the job. Choosing a workout motivation buddy is a big decision. The person that you partner with can mean the difference between success and spinning your wheels.

A great workout motivation buddy is someone who possesses certain characteristics like the ones below.

Someone You Enjoy Spending Time With

If you’re serious about getting healthy, then your workout buddy will be someone you see on a regular basis. It definitely helps if you already enjoy spending time with the person. If not, it could actually dissuade you from sticking with your new workout and nutrition regimen.

A Trusted Friend That Will Shoot You Straight

There are two benefits to choosing a friend you can trust. One, you can spend time with a friend while working out– multitasking at its best! Two, you know they’ll be honest with you while still being supportive.

Someone Who Has Similar Health Goals

If your workout buddy isn’t into living healthy and improving their fitness they aren’t going to be on the same page. They may actually become an enabler for living less healthy. It’s important to find a motivation buddy that has similar goals so you can both benefit from the relationship and stay invested. Even better – finding someone who is a step ahead of you and can serve as a role model.

A Person With the Same Availability

Being a workout buddy is a commitment even if they are just checking in with you on a weekly basis. If you plan to workout or meal plan together it’s an even bigger time commitment. You’ll need to make sure your partner has the availability to be there for you.

Having a workout buddy will significantly improve your performance, but that doesn’t mean it’s going to be smooth sailing every step of the way. There are going to be times when you lack motivation, get burned out and even want to quit. Those are the times when you’ll have to rely on your buddy to keep you focused on the end goal. A person with a positive attitude will help you get through the rough patches and stay motivated.

A Person Who Can Be Your Cheerleader

Your motivation buddy should be your strongest supporter. They are the ones cheering you on when no one else is looking. They’ll also enjoy your success as much as you do.

Someone Who Knows How to Motivate You

We all have our own communication styles and sources of motivation. What type of motivation do you respond to best? Are you the type that needs someone to push you hard or lend a helping hand to lead the way? Seriously consider your motivating drive and choose someone that can be the type of motivator you need.

A Person Who’s Going to Make Your Goals a Priority

Accountability partners need to honestly care about your success and make it a priority. Anyone that’s prone to making excuses, being overly competitive, always late or bailing on their commitments isn’t someone you want as a motivation buddy.

Taking this one step is the most important thing you can do for your health. But remember, it’s a two way street. All the things mentioned above are something you need to offer your buddy in return. Find the right person and you’ll have more fun while working harder to hit your fitness goals.


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