Finding Motivation and Staying Motivated to get Fit!

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At some point in our lives, we’ve all had the urge to get in shape. However, as compared to the ones who actually stick to a fitness regime on a consistent basis, the number of those who eventually drop out is rather astounding. So why do most of the people trying to get fit tend to give up?

One word… Actually, make that three: lack of motivation!

Motivation is what keeps you going through the highs and lows of a fitness regime. But how do you find it? Maybe the below mentioned tips will help.

Tip #1: Make a Playlist and Put It On While Working Out

Most of the people find it struggling to make it through their workouts. In this case, you can do a few things to make your workout routines more interesting and exciting. Making a playlist of all your favorite tunes, or the ones that give you that sudden rush of adrenaline (Eye of the Tiger, Rocky Theme Song, to name a few), and putting it on during your workout will definitely make a difference!

Tip #2: Measure the Improvements

Perhaps, you need to see how well you’ve improved so far to realise that you’re actually faring off decently. Measure your body after every week or so to see exactly which parts of your body are shedding the fat. Don’t be disappointed if the improvements are too little, though; they will gradually make their way.

Tip #3: Find a Workout Buddy!

This is the best one! With a partner by your side, your workouts can actually be the most exciting time of your day. A workout partner can give you all the motivation you need as the two of you compete together.

A personal trainer also qualifies for a workout buddy! Lacking motivation? These guys will soon put a stop to that!


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